and The Family Threads Project

The goal of this site is to support the ingathering of the Jewish people to Israel. We are laser-focused now on saving the estimated 7,500 remaining Jews in Ethiopia, two thirds of them wonderful young people who will do great things when they join their families in Zion.

sdf On Being 'Visibly Jewish'

"Neal's blog on Times of Israel"


Below is a reading for Passover from Dr. David Elcott to remember the last remnant of Jews in Ethiopia whose love of Israel and passion for Judaism are acts of remarkable faith. We encourage you to include

this in your Seder service, and to leave an empty chair at your table. In the past, we've left such chairs for Refuseniks in the Soviet Union and we do so now for families and children in Ethiopia.


Fear not, for I am with you.
I will bring your people from the East
Will gather you out of the West;
I will say to the North: Give back!

And to the South, do not withhold:
Bring My sons from afar and
My daughters from the ends of the earth
All who are linked to My name

- Isaiah 43 from verses 5-7

Today, there is an empty seat at the Jewish Seder table
Awaiting our Ethiopian brothers and sisters who have been left behind.
For years, they have called out each day "Next year in Jerusalem.
They sing from the Haggadah each Passover,
"Bring back your children soon, redeemed to Zion in song.

Instead, they sit in Addis, faithful to the Covenant
They pray in the Jewish compound of Gondar,
To return on the wings of eagles to Israel.
To the homeland of their dreams.

This empty chair reminds us of the indestructible link that exists between us,
In the words of the Prophets:
Are you not like the Ethiopians to me, O people of Israel?" declares the Lord.
We are one. Black and White, Young and Old,

We call on the Government of Israel to welcome all of them home now.
We shall be their voice, and our voices shall be joined by thousands of Jews of conscience aroused by the abandonment they suffer.
Then shall they know that they have not been forgotten and they that sit in darkness and fear shall yet be brought home.

NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM לשנה הבאה בירושלים

One Jewish Family Podcast

Jews in Ethiopia Wait and Hope

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And the Project on Power Poetry


What inspired to get started...a personal story

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Organizations we contribute to include:

North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry. You can contribute to their program to feed malnourished Jewish children here and find out more about programs in Israel at:

Meketa runs wide-ranging support programs in Gondar, Ethiopia focused on children, families and seniors.

Jerusalem Conservatory Hassadna's From Risk to Opportunity music program for children of Ethiopian descent in Israel

Please support the completion and distribution of "The Passengers" film about the struggle of Ethiopian families with Jewish roots who wish to join their families in Israel.

Background for those who want to know more and Additional Opportunities for meaningful action:

Sign the petition at

You can contribute to sending emergency food shipments to feed hungry kids and expectant mothers in Ethiopia at: and

Why donate? More at:

The Family Threads Project on Facebook Please follow and Share

Please follow The Family Threads Project on Twitter @threadsfamily and share!

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